Where Do I Go to Get Checked After a Car Accident?


Car accidents can be scary, not to mention dangerous. Even if you haven\’t sustained any major injuries, you could end up with chronic pain that may eventually get worse and need to be treated. No matter the circumstances, you will want to get checked after your car accident to stay on top of your health. From talking to your doctor to seeing a chiropractor for whiplash, here is a rundown of where you can go to get checked.

Call Up Your Primary Doctor

Whether your car accident injury is severe or mild, it is always a good idea to call up your primary care physician to let them know what has happened. They may recommend that you come in for a physical checkup, but the important thing is to have everything on file so that complications down the road can be traced back to the car accident. Depending on your injuries, your doctor will also be able to refer you to specialists if you need it.

Visit a Chiropractor

Sometimes the pain following a car accident just doesn\’t go away. If this happens to you, visiting a chiropractor could be a great decision. People involved in wrecks who don\’t get injured often complain about pain a few days afterward due to the whiplash they experienced during the crash. If this sounds like you, book an appointment with a chiropractor for whiplash. At any given time, 31 million people in the US experience lower back pain and you could end up being one of them. But don\’t worry because chiropractors can help you heal from the pain and prevent it from coming back using expert techniques.

Seek Out Physical Therapy

If your injuries are affecting your ability to live your daily life, then you may need more involved help. Physical therapists will work with you for as long as you need to restore your body back into shape. They\’ll give you exercises to build your muscle and your flexibility with the goal of eliminating pain and restoring movement. This will be a personalized experience tailored to your specific needs.

If you have been injured in a car accident, you don\’t need to worry about how the injuries will affect your life. With the help of doctors, chiropractor for whiplash, and physical therapists, there are options available for whatever your situation might be. Even if you don\’t think you suffered anything major, get checked today and prevent anything serious from developing down the road.

Understanding the 3 Major Types of COVID-19 Exams


As the government continues to ramp up its vaccination efforts, coronavirus testing remains a critical piece of the puzzle in fighting the pandemic. This is especially true with newer strains of the virus, such as the Delta variant, that continue to emerge. Over the last 18 months, more Americans are getting to learn of the confusing array of COVID-19 testing options available in hospitals and community health centers.  Find out when the best time to test for Covid-19 after symptoms start. 

What Are the Different Types of COVID-19 Tests in Daytona?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are two basic types of COVID-19 testing, tests for present infections and tests for past infections. Viral or diagnostic testing will inform you if you currently have the virus. The two major types of viral COVID-19 exams are the nucleic acid amplification tests (PCR) and the antigenic rapid COVID test. Antibody tests indicate if you had a past infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Here is a more detailed look into the different types of COVID-19 exams.

1. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests

The polymerase chain reaction tests are the most widely accepted testing procedures across the globe. The viral testing looks for nucleic acids, specifically the RNA of the COVID-19 virus. Every virus has a unique genetic code. PCR coronavirus testing involves picking the sample collected and amplifying the specimen to search for RNAs specific to the COVID-19 virus. Changes or mutations in these genetic codes result in new strains of the virus.

Typically, these molecular tests use a sample collected from a nasopharyngeal (deep inside the nose) or oropharyngeal (throat) swab and sent to a lab. The lab technicians then extract the genetic material and amplify it. A computerized machine then checks for the Coronavirus RNA. New knowledge about the virus has made it possible to have quicker exams with rapid nasal and PCR nasal tests available. It is arguably the most accurate form of testing, with most governments recommending it.

2. Rapid Antigen Tests

The antigen test is by far the most popular testing measure across the United States. These rapid COVID-19 exams test for the presence of an antigen (protein). It has a quicker turnaround time than the PCR. You may receive your results in less than 30 minutes. It is also cheaper to carry out, allowing medical facilities to screen a large number of people at a time.

It functions similarly to a pregnancy test kit. Generally, the nasopharyngeal swab, which is the specimen, is placed on a specially treated strip. A market then indicates whether the candidate undertaking the test has coronavirus or not. While it is quick, the procedure is less effective than the PCR tests. If you continue to experience COVID-19 symptoms even after obtaining a negative result, consult a physician immediately.

3. Antibody Tests

Antibody tests do not check if you have the virus itself. These COVID-19 exams look for antibodies produced to fight against the virus. When battling an infection, your body fights back by producing antibodies that can identify and target the pathogen, in this case, coronavirus. A positive result may indicate that you may have come into contact with the virus at one time. These types of tests may not be used for diagnosis but can indicate how widespread COVID-19 is within a community.

Rapid COVID Testing Deltona

You may need to stay informed about your health, and learning about COVID-19 testing is one of the proactive measures. To schedule rapid COVID-19 exams (Rapid Nasal and PCR Nasal Test) for your family in Deltona, Fl, reach out to Harmony Clinic.



Everything to Know About Rapid Testing For COVID-19

As everyone adjusts to the new normal, getting tested for Covid-19 has become a requirement and a necessity in other places. Generally, it\’s a reliable way to minimize the risk of Covid-19. If you\’re looking for rapid covid testing deltona, you might want to know which test is right for you and how it works. If you want something that offers quick results, you might be interested in the \”rapid tests.\” Thus, this article covers everything you need to know about rapid testing for Covid-19.

What is Rapid Covid-19 Testing?

Covid-19 rapid tests are referred to as such because they can produce results in as little as 15 minutes. They are also referred to as rapid antigen tests because they determine whether your body has produced proteins that confirm the presence of Covid-19. A swab is used to collect mucus from the nose or throat, which is then tested.

However, this test is only reliable if you\’re tested at the peak of infection. Otherwise, it\’s common to encounter false negatives, especially if you\’re not experiencing any symptoms. Besides the antigen test, there are also the following types of tests:

  • PCR test. This also uses a swab of mucus taken from the nose or throat. The sample is then sent to the lab, where the results take several days to come back. Rapid PCR tests are also available, but not readily so.
  • Antibody test. Unlike the PCR and antigen tests, the antibody test uses a blood test to determine if a person previously had the virus. That\’s because when a person has the virus, they produce antibodies to combat the infection.

Who Should Get a Rapid Covid-19 Test?

Rapid tests are being widely marketed, and they are popular because they provide quick confirmation of whether a person is infected with Covid-19. If you are planning to get rapid Covid testing Deltona, you can get results in 15 minutes.

But since they are not reliable, they are usually only recommended if you\’re in the early stages of Covid-19. At this point, you may be experiencing symptoms like dry cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, fever, body aches, plus other Covid-19 symptoms.

On the other hand, the antigen test might not be the best option if you are not showing any symptoms. In fact, if you\’re required to receive a Covid-19 test when traveling or returning to work, school, or before surgery, you\’ll have to take the PCR test because it\’s more accurate.

Now that you know all about the rapid test, you can make an informed decision. If the test sounds right for you, you\’ll be pleased to know we offer rapid Covid testing Deltona location, so give us a call!



5 Factors To Consider When Choosing a Car Accident Doctor


Car crashes are a leading cause of injuries and death. Statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that the number of road traffic injuries between 2010 and 2019 rose by nearly 500,000 cases to approximately 2.74 million road traffic-related injuries. A car accident doctor may be the right partner on your road to full spine, joint, and muscle recovery.

The moments after the car crash can be quite overwhelming. You may require urgent medical attention to save your life and perhaps multiple sessions with a chiropractor to rehabilitate your motor movements. The car accident chiropractor can take you through a series of physical rehabilitation techniques that will relieve your pain and treat your musculoskeletal injuries.

Here are five factors to consider when choosing a car accident doctor.

1. Experience

Experience matters when facing musculoskeletal or spine injuries resulting from a car crash. The more experience that the chiropractor has in dealing with car accident patients, the better your outcome may be. Inquire about the number of patients with similar injuries that the car accident doctor has treated. Ask about the complications and risk factors associated with the specific procedure that the chiropractor is recommending.

2. Chiropractor’s Credentials

You may need to find a chiropractor with the requisite training and expertise in treating your musculoskeletal issues. An active license is a guarantee that the car accident doctor has the necessary training, skills, and experience to provide chiropractic care. You can request more information on the chiropractor’s medical school, certifications, and training hospital. You can also check with the local medical board on the complaints or disciplinary history of a specific doctor.

3. Techniques Used

You may need to question the techniques used by your auto accident chiropractor. All auto injury chiropractors are different, and so are their approaches to resolving the pain and discomfort in your body. The technique used may affect the outcome of chiropractic care. Inquiring about the approach that the car accident doctor prefers also provides an opportunity to gauge their understanding of your specific issue.

4. Patient Comfort

Chiropractic procedures and techniques may involve spinal and muscular stimulation. You may need to feel comfortable speaking to your car accident doctor about your pain and the location of your discomfort. Some patients may have an age or gender preference for their chiropractic specialist. Communication is a key component of the recovery process. You may need to choose an accident chiropractor with good bedside manners and an effective communication style.

5. Reviews

The easiest way to find an experienced chiropractor is to request references from your primary care doctor. You may also request recommendations from your family, friends, or other health care professionals. Research more about every car accident doctor from the list you obtain. Read their online reviews to understand how past clients rated their services. You may also pick up on complaints made against the auto injury clinic and how the issue was resolved.

The road to recovery after an auto accident may be a long one. You may need the support of healthcare professionals, including chiropractors, to get back to full health. To discuss musculoskeletal or spinal issues with a certified car accident doctor, reach out to Harmony Clinic.

How to Manage Back Pain After a Car Accident


Being involved in a car accident can be a very traumatic experience both mentally and physically. The first step after an accident must be to seek urgent treatment from the hospital or clinic that is properly suited to help with car accident-related injuries.

Each year approximately 4.4 million people suffer injuries from car accidents. A great chunk of these injuries involve the back. One of the best ways to manage the back pain that results is to seek chiropractic care. In this article, we will look at ways to best manage back pain after being involved in a car accident.

Electric Muscle Stimulation

One effective way of managing back pain is for you to visit an auto injury clinic. Most of these clinics offer electric muscle stimulation. This involves the use of electrodes to aim electric impulses at particular areas of the nervous system.

These electrical signals will block out pain signals being transmitted towards the spine and brain. Electrical pulses cause the muscles to contract, and these contractions work to boost the body\’s production of endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

Spinal Decompression

Spinal decompression is a type of spinal traction therapy that helps to relieve back pain. You can get this non-surgical procedure done at an auto injury clinic.

This procedure helps to gently stretch the spine and manipulate its position to remove pressure off nerves. It seeks to create negative pressure in discs, which will encourage building discs to snap back into place. As a result, nutrient-rich substances will easily enter the disc.

Arthrostim Adjustment

This method is performed by a handheld instrument which enables your chiropractor to modulate the force applied to joints during the treatment. Most patients who visit an auto injury clinic after a car accident feel more at ease when the chiropractor uses ArthroStim than traditional chiropractic treatments. This is because the method eliminates the \’popping\’ of joints and trigger points.

Manual Adjustments

The use of hands to deliver treatment is said to be the foundation of chiropractic care. During a manual adjustment, the chiropractor manipulates the spine with their hands to achieve desired results. This can be an effective way to manage back pain depending on the nature of the patient\’s injury.

All of the above methods seek to relieve pain and inflammation and restore function to the spine. For more information, you can visit your nearest chiropractic clinic.

After an Auto-Accident: The Dos and Don\’ts


Many people are ignorant of the important dos and don\’ts after a car accident. Auto-accidents cause a lot of people in Florida injuries and money/property loss. Everyone hopes that they do not encounter a car accident. But, to be on the safe side, you should be prepared. If you know what to do (or not to do) after a road collision, then you have better chances protecting your health and finances.

Everything you do post-accident will be analyzed by the insurance company and any involved police force. One mistake could cost you a lot -– literally. Remember that the insurance company will do anything to reduce the settlement, so you should be extra careful.

So, what should you do after an auto accident?

1. Do Make the Right Phone Calls

Your health is vital, so the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. An auto injury chiropractor is the best person to treat post-crash injuries. Visit an auto injury clinic and let a chiropractor assess your health to avoid long-term symptoms. Furthermore, chiropractors treat many injuries and aches. Car accident doctors also handle chronic pain, vertigo, headaches, and other auto injuries.

Next, contact the police. A police report is essential because it narrates the accident in detail and prevents a change of story in the future. It is also good to gather evidence via pictures and videos. Also, keep the information honest and never let anyone stop you from contacting the police.

You should also contact your family members/friends, your attorney, and the insurance company.

2. DON\’T Self-Incriminate

There are several ways you can inculpate yourself after an auto accident. One, by admitting fault to the other party or insurance company. You could be shocked by the whole incident, leading you not to see some factors only the police can notice. Admitting fault can be used against you. Do not disclose info or overshare with the party, as they could also use this to win the case.

Another thing not to do is flee the scene or moving your vehicle. You are only supposed to move your car if it is affecting traffic. Otherwise, wait until the police instruct you to leave the scene. Lastly, do not sign anything or accept settlements from your insurance company without consulting an attorney.

3. DO Have MedPay and UIM

These policies are there to ensure you are protected from offenders with minimum coverage. As a result, you are protected from large bills, disability bills, and lost income during injury. These policies can also cover your visit to the chiropractor, medical tests, and prescriptions. Many people have suffered post-accident losses just because they lacked the right coverage.

Health Comes First

Have you been involved in a car accident in Florida and need medical attention? Get in touch with Deltona\’s finest auto injury chiropractors now! At Harmony Clinic, you will find medical and chiropractic experts who have helped many people recover from post-accident injuries.

Always remember that your health comes first after an auto accident. You may suffer physical, mental, and traumatic effects if you ignore medical help.

Benefits of Seeing an Auto Injury Chiropractor After a Car Accident


Car accidents are incredibly common. It is estimated that there are roughly 6 million car accidents on U.S. roads every year. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, you may feel some slight discomfort afterward. You may want to dismiss this pain as something that will fade away, but if it doesn’t. It is important to visit a doctor and get checked out. However, doctors will at times treat you but you still experience residue pain. One way to deal with such involves visiting an auto injury chiropractor.

A chiropractor can minimize the discomfort you feel after a car accident and prevent your injuries from getting worse. Here are the benefits of seeing an auto injury chiropractor after a car accident.

1. Pain alleviation

While traditional medicine prescribed by doctors can alleviate pains such as backaches, stiffness, and neck pain, it may not totally resolve them. A chiropractor can get to the root cause of the pain by performing procedures such as spinal adjustments to ease the pain and bring permanent relief.

2. Reduced Inflammation

Car accidents often lead to inflammation. While inflammation is a common response by the body in an attempt to heal itself, it can be harmful if not dealt with immediately. Auto injury chiropractors are trained to spot micro-tears that x-rays can’t. With physical therapy by an accident chiropractor, your body will be able to start producing natural anti-inflammatory substances that can reduce inflammation.

3. Reduced Dependence on Medication

Pain medication can be relatively addictive. Chiropractic treatment can reduce dependence on drugs. Thus, it can prevent you from experiencing the side effects that come with taking medication. Additionally, chiropractic interventions can ensure the underlying injuries are treated and not just masked with medication.

4. Enhanced Range of Motion

After you’re involved in a car accident, you may experience decreased range of motion. You may be unable to move your limbs with ease due to pain, misaligned spine joints, and inflammation. Chiropractic care can restore your range of motion by promoting flexibility and ensuring your joints are realigned.

5. Reduced Scar Tissue

Like inflammation, if you’ve been involved in a car accident, you are likely to develop scar tissue. The body develops scar tissue in an attempt to heal damaged muscles. However, scar tissue can result in stiffness and soreness. Usually, scar tissue can heal without any intervention. But if it persists, you may want to visit an auto injury chiropractor. An auto injury chiropractor can pinpoint which areas are damaged by scar tissue and focus on treating those areas.

6. Long-Term Benefits

Compared to other methods of alleviating pain and treatment, chiropractic care can have lasting benefits. Getting chiropractic care immediately after a car accident can prevent serious injuries from developing into serious conditions in the future.

If you’ve recently been hurt in a car accident and you’re experiencing discomfort, you should consider seeing a chiropractor. An auto injury chiropractor can bring you relief from common car accident injuries such as whiplash, back pain, knee injuries, neck pains, vertebrae displacement, arm injuries, and many other injuries.

At Harmony Clinic, you’ll be attended to by skilled chiropractors. Contact us today to begin experiencing the benefits listed above.

What Are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries?


Approximately 4.4 million people suffer injuries from car accidents every year. Have you recently been in a car accident and aren\’t sure if you should see a car accident chiropractor about potential injuries? After a car accident, many people do not seek treatment which may result in chronic pain or long-term injuries that can impact their overall health and well-being. Below are some common car accident injuries and how a car accident chiropractor can help.


Whiplash may be one of the most common car accident injuries. Whiplash is a neck injury that results from forceful, unexpected neck movements such as those that often occur during a car accident. If you have symptoms such as neck stiffness or headaches following your accident, then it\’s possible that you are experiencing whiplash. A chiropractor can help by reducing inflammation, reducing pain/stiffness, and improving flexibility.

Back Pain

Back pain is often a result of car accidents and may not show up as a symptom immediately. This is why it is important to visit a chiropractor as soon as possible to diagnose any potential injuries. Back injuries may cause your vertebrae and spine to become misaligned and also may cause herniated discs or other more severe lumbar spine injuries. A chiropractor may be able to help with back injury symptoms including decreased range of motion, inflammation, stiffness, and chronic pain.

Knee Injuries

Knee injuries can cause long-term problems if they are not diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Because car accidents can cause joints to become misaligned because of intense stress, your knees are subject to many types of injuries that may cause stiffness, decreased muscle strength, loss in mobility, and severe or chronic pain. A professional chiropractor will suggest a course of treatment to reduce stiffness and joint pain.

Chiropractors can also help lessen pain you may be experiencing from a past, untreated car accident injury. Chronic pain, stiffness, and scar tissue from an old injury may be lessened through chiropractic treatment, adjustment, and exercises.

There are a variety of chiropractic services that can help ease the symptoms of car accident injuries. An experienced chiropractor can diagnose your symptoms and provide you with a course of treatment that may include physiotherapy, manual adjustments, or electrical stimulation. Contact your local car accident chiropractor today at Harmony Clinic to learn more about potential treatment options for your car accident-related injuries.

What an Auto Accident Chiropractor Can Do for You

\"autoEvery year, there is an average of six million car accidents on U.S. roads. Many of these accidents result in injuries that can range from being minor to potentially fatal. Injuries sustained in car accidents can also be some of the most dangerous, as you may not even realize you are injured immediately after having an accident. This is why seeking immediate medical attention can be so important. Keep reading to learn more about why you should visit an auto accident chiropractor after a car accident.

Evaluation and Diagnosis

Car accidents can have traumatic effects on your body, including your muscles, bones, and joints. If you have recently been in a car accident, visit your local auto accident chiropractor as soon as possible to evaluate your injuries. A certified auto accident chiropractor will be able to check your range of motion to check for any injuries that may otherwise go undetected. Such injuries may include whiplash, back/neck/knee pain, stiffness/soreness, or tissue damage. An experienced auto injury chiropractor will undertake an initial exam including tests such as X-rays and MRIs to diagnose your injuries and determine a course of treatment.

Custom Treatment Plan

Not every car accident injury is alike. After determining the extent of your injuries, an experienced auto accident chiropractor will determine a course of treatment. Potential treatments may include exercises designed to improve your range of motion and build muscle endurance, chiropractic adjustments to reduce your pain, correction of misalignments in your vertebrae or joints, and addressing herniated disc pressure.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

A car accident can result in long-term, lingering effects that may not be immediately visible. This is why it is important to consult your local auto accident chiropractor as soon as possible. Quick, expert, and efficient diagnosis and treatment will improve your chances of recovering faster from your car accident. It may also prevent you from suffering any long-term effects such as chronic or lingering pain, stiffness, or decreased mobility. Be sure to visit an auto accident chiropractor even if you had an accident and never received treatment, as chiropractic adjustments and therapy may help to ease injury pain, even after the fact.

If you are in a car accident, you should visit an auto accident chiropractor as soon as possible to evaluate your injuries and determine a course of treatment. A car accident injury may seem minor at first, but if left unchecked can lead to more long-term injuries, chronic pain, and decreased flexibility/range of motion. Be sure to consult your local car accident chiropractor if you are injured in a car accident to guarantee the best possible quality care and treatment.

What Can a Car Accident Chiropractor Do For Me?


Every year, around 4.4 million people suffer injuries resulting from car accidents. Though many car accident-related injuries are very serious, others may not affect you immediately, but may instead cause more chronic medical issues over time.

This is why if you are in a car accident, it is especially important to see a chiropractor right away because injuries like whiplash, back and neck strains, and vertebrae displacement may lead to long-term pain and discomfort if not treated correctly. Below are some of the services a local auto accident chiropractor can offer.

Exam and Diagnosis

If you were just in a car accident, you may not realize the extent of your injuries. This is why it is crucial that you consult immediately with a licensed and professional chiropractor that can help diagnose your injuries. A skilled chiropractor can assess your potential injuries by examining your range of motion and posture. Chiropractors are uniquely qualified to find any underlying injuries such as whiplash, back pain, and muscle damage that may result from a car accident.

Custom Treatment

Once a car accident chiropractor makes an informed diagnosis, they will determine whether or not you require further tests. If so, you may have to receive X-rays or MRIs to develop a more custom treatment plan. Choose a car accident chiropractor that can administer these tests in-office, in order to allow the best and most convenient treatment options available. Your local car accident chiropractor will then be able to decide the best way to move forward with your ongoing treatment and care.

Treating Residual Pain

A car accident chiropractor will also be able to determine if you are suffering from any long-term effects from a previous car accident. If you were in a car accident before and did not realize you were injured at the time, you may be experiencing persistent pain and stiffness as a result. A skilled and experienced car accident chiropractor will be able to help with these types of injuries, and can also target any old scar tissue from a past accident.

If you have been in a car accident, it is important that you seek treatment as soon as possible. Car accidents can cause a great deal of stress on the body which can cause you to experience muscle pain, soreness, stiffness, and other potential bone and joint injuries. Be sure to consult a licensed chiropractor who is skilled, experienced, professional, and compassionate to diagnose your injuries as soon as possible and help you on your road to recovery.