How Long After a Car Accident Can You Claim on Insurance in Florida?


You\’re enjoying a nice, casual drive through Florida. You\’ve got your favorite songs playing, and you\’re looking forward to the day ahead. And then… disaster strikes! Auto Accident Injuries happen that fast!

Maybe someone rear-ends you. Maybe you\’re caught in a pile-up after a hurricane or other natural disaster. Or maybe there\’s just a moment of inattention and you hit another car.
Whatever the cause, when you\’re involved in a car accident in Florida, your first question is likely to be: \”How long do I have to file an insurance claim?\”

This guide will take you through everything you need to know about filing an insurance claim after a car accident in Florida, including what the law has to say about it and how long you\’ll have to wait for compensation. By the end of this guide, you\’ll be able to set off on your own path toward getting back on your feet after being involved in a car accident.

Is There a Deadline for Filing a Claim?

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim against the at-fault driver and their insurance carrier for personal injury or property damage is 4 years from the date of the accident.

You can\’t predict when disaster will strike. One minute you\’re brushing your teeth and thinking about your day, and the next minute, through no fault of your own, you\’ve been rear-ended. Now you\’re dealing with a totaled car and it\’s not even lunchtime yet.
If this scenario sounds all too familiar to you, you might be wondering if there is any way to get justice for the financial costs of your accident—the physical damage to your car, the medical bills from your injuries, or your lost wages (if you had to take time off work during your recovery period).

The good news is that the State of Florida offers protection for victims of car accidents who need compensation in order to get back on their feet. In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim against the at-fault driver and their insurance carrier for personal injury or property damage is four years from the date of the accident.
This unrivaled window of opportunity gives you plenty of time to bring forward a claim and handle any negotiations or legal proceedings that arise. That said, it\’s best not to wait until the last minute—even if you have up to four years from the date of your accident, it\’s wise to start working on your case as soon as possible after an accident.

Why Do I Need an Attorney for My Car Accident Claim?

What if you\’re not so lucky when it comes to deadlines? What if you miss a deadline that has real consequences for your financial security or future health? That\’s exactly what can happen if you don\’t file a claim for compensation after an auto accident within four years.

In Florida, everyone who is injured in an auto accident must file their claim for compensation within four years from the date of the accident—no matter what. Failure to do so will result in your case being dismissed by the judge. But this is just one of many reasons why it\’s important not to delay when it comes to filing a claim after an auto accident.

Next, you should visit an auto accident doctor or medical specialist, you only have 14 days to see one or your insurance will not cover! For more information read this: VISIT YOUR INJURY CHIROPRACTOR AFTER AN AUTO ACCIDENT

What kind of doctor should you see after a car accident? 

Visit Your Injury Chiropractor After an Auto Accident | Harmony Clinic




What should you do if you\’ve been in a car accident and believe you\’ve been injured? Our advice to you is to make an appointment with Harmony Chiropractic as soon as possible. It\’s critical for your recuperation. Even if you are not in pain immediately following your injury, you should see one of our chiropractors. You may not realize it, but seeing an auto accident injury chiropractor after a car accident can help you prevent persistent pain for years.


If you\’ve been in a car accident, get in touch with Harmony Clinic Medical & Chiropractic right away. This is why:


Finding Out How Serious Your Injuries Are


If you aren\’t bleeding or don\’t feel like you have an evident injury, it doesn\’t imply you haven\’t sustained a serious injury. In many circumstances, an injury does not manifest symptoms until well after the accident has occurred. Hours or even days can pass. The decision not to be treated by a chiropractor is the most significant difference between quick healing and long-term suffering.


When you visit a chiropractor soon after a vehicle accident, you will be diagnosed and treated for your injuries. They\’re almost on the verge of becoming chronic. Even if you don\’t feel it or think you don\’t, an expert chiropractor can tell whether you have an injury.


Whiplash is one of the most prevalent non-symptomatic injuries encountered in automobile accidents. Even before you feel any discomfort, a chiropractor will be able to tell if you have whiplash.


Natural Treatments


Following a vehicle accident, many people choose to see their primary care practitioner. The bad news is that traditional medicine usually just treats the symptoms of the pain you\’re now experiencing. That is, you will be provided medication in the hopes of alleviating your pain. However, these drugs may merely be disguising the real issue.


Chiropractors, on the other hand, are committed to identifying the true source of your pain. As well as treating the actual problem and not simply the discomfort. To assist you in your recuperation, we employ a natural treatment. We will never give any of our patients addictive pain drugs.


How Does Chiropractic Care Work?


Chiropractors use controlled adjustments to address injuries and health problems. These can be done by hand or with the help of a specialized machine. Chiropractors use these adjustments to return the spine joints to their appropriate alignment. This allows the surrounding tissues to repair and support the right alignment, which should result in less discomfort and faster healing. Chiropractors who have practiced for a long time think that spinal manipulation helps the body recover itself.


What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care?


Many people utilize alternative medical therapies like chiropractic therapy for a reason. One of the most significant benefits of chiropractic care is its ability to effectively treat chronic pain. In most cases, without the need of prescription drugs. Even those who are determined to avoid pain medication at all costs may be able to find relief. Another benefit of chiropractic care is that it focuses on the overall health of the patient. A chiropractor can assist you not only with short-term recovery after a car accident, but also with any issues that may cause long-term pain.


After a car accident, contact Harmony Clinic.


It\’s critical to seek treatment from a competent chiropractor as soon as possible after being in a vehicle accident for your health and recovery. Please do not hesitate to contact us. To schedule a free consultation with Harmony Clinic, please click here.

How long after a car accident can you claim on insurance in Florida?



When Should You See a Doctor for a Car Accident? Let\’s Discuss

Your casual drive to a friend or family member\’s house can suddenly take a turn for the worst when you\’re involved in a car accident. Suddenly, you\’re faced with serious injuries, expensive medical bills, damaged property, and all kinds of other challenges. Not to scare you, but did you know that road crashes are the number one cause of death in the United States (for age between 1-54)? Each year, more than 4.4 million people are involved in car accidents, with 38,000 people losing their precious lives. So, if you want to stay safe, understanding when to go to see a doctor after a car accident is important. To assist in that decision, let\’s explore the topic:

What Are the Symptoms of an Injury?

The symptoms of injury following an auto accident may or may not be readily apparent initially. In fact, it may take days or even weeks before symptoms appear. So, it\’s never a good idea to assume you\’re fine and don\’t need medical attention. Even if you feel fine right after the crash, it\’s important to get checked out by a doctor. Injuries such as whiplash may be difficult to detect at first because they don\’t show up until the next day or later. If you have any pain at all, speak with your doctor about potential injuries that could occur from being hit by another vehicle. By better educating yourself about your body and what to look for after an accident, you will be able to determine if you need any specialized medical care and how serious it might potentially be.

When Should You See a Doctor for a Car Accident?

1) Hidden Injuries After a Car Crash

Just because you haven\’t suffered any visible injuries after a car accident doesn\’t mean that you are totally okay. Internal injuries such as internal bleeding can be present without apparent symptoms. Similarly, concussions often have no obvious symptoms and can be very dangerous if not properly diagnosed and treated quickly. Even if you feel fine, it\’s important to get checked out by an auto injury doctor ASAP. If your spinal cord has been damaged or internal organs are bleeding, then serious problems can result.

2) Hidden Soft Tissue Injuries

The most serious injuries from car accidents that require doctors are those that are hidden. These are soft tissue injuries, and they can be hard to see with the naked eye. These injuries can involve muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and they can get worse over time if you don\’t address them.

That\’s why it\’s a good idea to stay on the safe side and see a car accident doctor after any auto accident that leaves you feeling even the slightest bit of pain or discomfort. Even if there is nothing wrong with you right now, seeing a doctor can help you find problems before they get worse.

Click the link to read more about: What is an auto accident doctor?

3) TBI After an Accident

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents. They can also be some of the most severe and dangerous.

Even a mild concussion can lead to serious problems, such as chronic pain, cognitive impairment, and memory issues. In more severe cases, a TBI may result in permanent brain damage or death.

The problem with TBIs is that you may not even realize you have one until hours or days after your accident. That\’s why it\’s important to see a doctor after any car crash so they can diagnose and treat your injuries immediately.

Final Thoughts

If you are involved in a car crash that causes you to feel pain, then it\’s a good idea to see your doctor immediately. Not only can they help you identify any serious injuries that you did not know about, but they can also make sure that you get the treatment you need to take care of those injuries. Remember, the longer you wait to get treatment, the more likely it is that you will end up with serious and permanent injuries.

What Is an Accident Doctor?

Have you or someone you know recently been in a car accident? Are you suffering from whiplash? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you may be wondering who to turn to for help. There are many people who can help you after a car accident, but not all of them are trained to treat your specific injuries.

If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, you should make sure that you get a checkup from a doctor who is experienced in diagnosing and treating accident injuries. To give you a better idea, here\’s a look at what an auto injury doctor is and what they can do for you.

Who Is an Accident Doctor?

An accident doctor is a medical professional who specializes in treating people who have been in traumatic accidents. This could be anything from a car accident to a slip and fall at your local supermarket. They are on call 24/7, just waiting for your call when you need them most.

When you get into an accident, the first thing that happens is that the ambulance comes and takes you to the hospital. Once there, the accident doctors come to see you and give you some tests to make sure that you don\’t have any broken bones or internal bleeding. If it\’s only minor, they may just prescribed medication and let you go home, but if it looks like anything more serious has happened, they will take you into surgery immediately.

The accident doctor gets trained in all sorts of different ways. They sometimes do rotations at regular hospitals before they get into their specialty practice, and they also train with surgeons and other professionals who work with patient injuries all the time. The training can take years to finish—even ten years or more!

Services Offered by Accident Doctor

Let\’s face it; accidents happen to us all. You could be on your way to work and slip on a banana peel, or maybe you\’re just sitting at home watching TV when—BOOM! — a lamp falls off the mantle, right on your head. Either way, it\’s a stressful situation.

Spinal Adjustment

This treatment helps realign the spine through chiropractic adjustments. It also helps alleviate muscle tension and increases blood flow to the injured area, which can speed up healing.

Spinal Decompression

This treatment relieves pressure on the spinal cord by decreasing fluid from the surrounding tissues and thus allowing for greater mobility.

Physical Rehabilitation

Physical therapy is an important part of recovery from spinal cord injuries and other accidents, as it helps prevent secondary injuries caused by inactivity and allows patients to resume normal activities as soon as possible. Therapy may include exercises to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and cardiovascular function.

Lifestyle Advice

This includes instructions on proper nutrition, rest, and other factors that may influence recovery. The goal is to help patients return to a healthy and productive lifestyle as soon as possible. The accident doctor will work with you to develop a plan that will best help you reach your long-term goals.

Nutrition Advice

Many people are tempted to go overboard after a traumatic event, but this can actually do more harm than good. The accident doctor will help you understand which foods are best for your specific needs and will provide specific advice on how to eat in order to help your body heal.


Hopefully, now you can see why an accident doctor is so important. Not only do they have the training and experience to help you recover from your injuries, but they also have the ability to give you some great advice on how to best live your life after an accident.

When Is the Best Time to Test for COVID-19 After Symptoms Start?

COVID-19 has taken over the world. So many people have been affected by this virus that healthcare professionals have been forced to reevaluate their practices and adjust their thinking. The virus has caused panic and fear among the public, but the pandemic has also led to a change in thinking and an increase in awareness. It\’s led to the development of new protocols that have improved the way we respond to and treat the virus – as a whole. And thanks to the combined efforts and COVID testing Deltona, we somehow managed to survive the pandemic (SARS-CoV-2), and as a society, we were slowly but surely getting back to normal. But then came the news that a new strain of the virus had emerged and was spreading like wildfire. They called it \”Omicron\” – a less severe but still highly contagious strain of the virus.

Though we were not fully aware of it, the virus had secretly been mutating and changing. Now, we are in the midst of a pandemic of epic proportions, and though we have made significant progress, there is still much work to be done. And as a concerned individual, you want to do your part. You want to be prepared. You want to be safe. But how do you know if you are exposed to the virus? And what is the best time to test for COVID-19 after symptoms start? If you have these questions, you have come to the right place. In the following sections, we will discuss these topics and more to help you better understand your options and decide what\’s best for you.

Best Time to Get Tested After COVID-19 Exposure?

According to CDC (center for disease control), if you believe that you may have been exposed to COVID, it is important that you consider getting COVID testing Deltona within 5-days of exposure or the moment you start experiencing any symptoms of infection. Of course, there are multiple reasons why you might want to get tested for COVID, but for now, we will focus on testing after being infected with a pandemic strain of the virus. If you test positive and know about your status, then you will be able to take better care of yourself in order to avoid further infection and spread. You can also protect your family and friends by knowing about their status as well so they too can seek proper medical attention at an early stage.

Moreover, CDC suggests that the moment you start experiencing any symptoms of coronavirus, like fever, tiredness, headache, loss of taste or smell, among others, you should put yourself under self-quarantine to help contain a possible outbreak and protect your loved ones from potential contamination. At home, during quarantine, you must practice regular hygiene practices including good hand washing, covering coughs and sneezes with handkerchiefs; ensuring food safety; disposing off used items properly; wearing gloves when handling pets, and disinfecting surfaces that were possibly contaminated by body fluids from infected individuals, etc.

When Might COVID Symptoms First Appear

According to CDC and many established international organizations, 14-days is as long as it takes for symptoms of infection to appear. The virus is initially detected after getting transferred from an infected individual to a healthy one through direct contact or indirect spread, i.e., transfer via environmental surfaces like doorknobs, tables, etc. And though there are no definite signs that let you know whether you have been infected or not, experts suggest that during the early stages, one might experience flu-like symptoms including fever, chills/sweats, and coughing/coughing up mucus, along with other non-specific signs such as headache, muscle aches, upset stomach, etc.

But once you start showing any of these common symptoms, then, by all means, get yourself tested! You can also consider being tested for COVID testing Deltona if you exhibit any new or unusual symptoms in addition to these—for example, coughs, chest pain, sore throat; skin rashes; diarrhea, among others. At home, we advise practicing good hygiene while waiting out those two weeks, so you avoid infecting your loved ones too!

When Should You Call a Doctor?

Natural immunity varies from person to person, so the answer to when you should call a doctor after testing positive is different. Some people might show symptoms within five days, while others can take up to 2 weeks before they start feeling something wrong with their body. However, many experts suggest that whenever you experience any flu-like symptom or any new/unusual symptom, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible because it is better that way, but it also helps in getting prompt medical attention before it gets worse!

Make sure you understand the three major types of covid exams.