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  • Monday – Tuesday - Thursday9AM - 6PM
  • Wednesday9AM - 6PM
  • Friday9AM - 12PM
  • Saturday - SundayClosed
Our Location

1948 Saxon Blvd.
Deltona, FL 32725

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(386) 774-6337

Are you living with pain?

Why Choose Harmony Clinic

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients. When you need assistance from a chiropractor, consider the compassionate and knowledgeable team at Harmony Clinic Medical and Chiropractic. We strive to get patients on the road to healing through prescribing programs tailored to individual needs. If you choose us, you’ll quickly see why we say that patients are our number one priority.


We’re highly trained in accident trauma rehab:

Were you involved in an accident?

Call (386) 774 – 6337 or stop by
our offices to begin your journey to recovery today.

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain usually arises after an accident injury or disease of the shoulder joint. It may lead to pain with movement, the inability to lift the arm overhead, night pain when trying to lay on the affected shoulder, and weakness in the shoulder muscles.
Herniated Disks

Herniated Disks

A herniated disk occurs when one of the spinal disks sticks out and presses on a nerve. This condition can lead to back pain, numbness, and weakness and is typically caused by injury or wear and tear on the spine.


Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back through the hips and buttocks and down each leg. It arises when the sciatic nerve becomes pinched, typically be a herniated disk.
Full Back Pain

Full Back Pain

Although full back pain is less common than mid and lower back pain, it may occur after an accident and result in severe pain that can be difficult to manage.


Whiplash is caused by a quick jerk or jolt to the head and usually the result of a car accident. It is can be immediate or take several hours or days to appear and often leads to pain, reduced range of motion, and tightness in the neck.
Knee Pain

Knee Pain

Knee pain is often the result of a sudden injury, overuse injury, or the symptom of arthritis or another underlying condition. Its symptoms include walking challenges due to the instability of the knee, limping, locking of the knee, and the inability to extend the knee.

our Services

Medical & Chiropractic Services

Chiropractic care gets to the root of your pain:


Chiropractic care gets to the root of your pain:

When you’re dealing with chronic pain due to a musculoskeletal injury, it can be difficult to treat the root cause of your pain without chiropractic care. A Deltona, FL chiropractor can help find the root cause of your pain to help you find relief. Oftentimes, the pain associated with a musculoskeletal injury is due to misalignment or inflammation. A chiropractor provides safe and effective treatment for injury so you can regain mobility and begin healing.

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Chiropractic care provides pain relief without medication:


Chiropractic care provides pain relief without medication:

Anti-inflammatory and pain relief medication can be beneficial, but when taken long-
term they can sometimes be damaging to your body. Chiropractic care can help to provide pain relief without the need for long-term pain medication.

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Chiropractic care helps with underlying causes:


Chiropractic care helps with underlying causes:

Chiropractic care isn’t just great for musculoskeletal injuries after car accidents or sports incidents. They can also help treat underlying causes for migraines, joint pain, nervous system irregularities, poor circulation, and more.

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Chiropractic care relieves the discomfort of pregnancy:


Chiropractic care relieves the discomfort of pregnancy:

Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy, and those changes can take a toll on your back and joints. A Deltona, FL chiropractor can provide you with the safe pain relief you need by making the right adjustments to your spine.

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